Hi, My Name is Pam
Quantum Energy Life Coach
Everything is made of energy
Our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts and even our environment effects our personal well-being. Energy is the hidden power behind everything. Energy is what makes things happen. We can store energy, use energy, transfer energy but can not distroy energy. By using light and sound frequencys we can influence our lives more than we can imagine. The study of Quantum physics and the epigenetic field of study are proving how these invisible energy wavelengths from 'radio waves' to 'Gamma rays' has an impact on all things.
Recognizing and understanding the energies that guide our inner self, our emotions, and our thoughts, we can learn to analysis and control where our energies need to be focused and what kinds of energies we are attracting to ourselves.
This is how we take control and live a less stressful, happier and healthier life.
What I Do
We will discuss what is going on, where you want to be and what modalities may help you on your journey. NLP couching, Emotion Code Releasing and the Quantum Insight Biofeed Back system can be done over the phone or via zoom.
With the use of the Bio-well (a bio feedback system) we can see the before and after affect of how the different modalities effect your energies. We can see if certain vitamins, minerals, etc. will cause a positive or negative impact on your energies. (In person)
The PERL Generator uses RIFE frequencies with a plasma tube which can target microorganisms in a 30' radius without being tethered to the device. As you are recieving these frequencies we can discuss your goals, recieve a QHHT, NLP Emotion Code session at the same time. (In person)
If distance is an issue, using the Quantum Insight Biofeed system is the answer. You can upload your voice file in the "Insight Quanta Capsule' app and, once I analyze it, I will send you the fequency file/files that can assist you in your body, emotion, spiritual energy balancing. These files only last for 7 days due to your energies changing. After those 7 days, you can upload a new file and new frequency files will be created for your energy body needs. (In person or away)
The Opus SoundBed, is a wonderful way to end a session, just need to relax or feel centered again. These sessions range from 6 minutes to 45 depending on what you want to experience. (In person)
Remember not just one modality can resolve it all, but a combination can get us on the right track for a better, heathier Happier life. We also have a large referral list of others that have another sets of knowledge and skills that can assist you in your journey.
Opus™ SoundBed™
OPUS™ is like a home gym for your heart. SoundBed™ uses vibroacoustic technoloty to deliver low-frequency vibrations throughout your body that quickly releses you out of stress response and into a place of deep relaxataion and receptivity. This vibroacoustic SoundBed™ that allows you to listne to meditaions, frequencies, music and translates it into a full somatic experience of vibration throughout the body. it can be used to amplify other modalities such a meditation, breathwork, SoundHealing™ and more.
PERL Generator
Photon Emission Resonant Light Frequency Generator
The new PERL is the culmination of 27 years of research and is nothing short of revolutionary. Its frequencies can target microorganisms in a 30-foot radius, thanks to our one-of-a-kind U-shaped plasma tube. The PERL is non-contact so you get complete freedom of movement within that range and a full body exposure at the deepest cellular level.
BioWell Analysis
A scientific device to show the before and after influence of our energy work. Using the latest technology in biophotonics, we can analyze the biofield so we can focus on the points of depletion or disruption in our energy fields.
Emotion Code Practitioner: (Certified)
It is a simple method for identifing disruptive emotional energies by working with your higher self. Identifing trapped emotional energy then releasing the intensity of that emotion may facilitate physical and emotional balance and recovery so you can live a healthier, happier life!
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Intern)
Created by Dolores Cannon, this technique involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance (you do this twice a day right before you fall asleep and right before you wake up) through visualization. Using "past" life regression and connecting with your Higher Self we can understand more about yourself, your life/soul purpose and your experiences.
Neurolingusitic Programming (Intern)
NLP helps identify and rewrite old habit responses, old programs that have run too long in the background on auto piolit and held you back in your persuit to a happier, healthier fulfilling future.
Quantum Wellness Biofeedback
Biofeedback has been scientifically proven to reduce our stress and help improve the quality of our lives. The Genius Insight biofeedback program offers insights into the body electric to help the individual understand the underlying causes of stress. Using balancing frequencies that not only analyze the stress indicators in the body but also help to get the body back into balance by energetic frequency) stimiulation to promote balance and harmony within the body. Through the Insight Quant Capsule we can send and receive voice and frequenices files where ever you are. (Link to App above)
Claircognizance/ Clairsentience / Channeler
Claircognizance is the abliity for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without knowing how or why they knew it. Clairsentience it the ability for a person to aquire psychic knowledge by means of feeling. Channeling Universal energy, higher dimensional beings and my Higher self have been a blessing since childhood and helps us reach our Devine goals.
Licensed Massage Therapist / Cranial Sacral Release Therapist
A Licensed Massage Therapist since 2000 and Certified as a Cranial Sacral Therapist, I have learned that emotional, mental and definitely physical trauma creates energy "stuck points" or "blockages" in the body. These blocks in the energy flow can cascade into deeper more debilitating issues within the body. I train people to release these "stuck points" or "blockages" so the body's energies can flow in an undisruptive way.
Personal Trainer/ Medical Exercise Specialist
I have been a personal trainer since 1993 and a Medical Exercise specialist since 1997. After having 2 children, right in a row, I was thin but not fit. So I became a personal trainer. Realizing not everyone is without issues I studied and became a Certified Medical Exercise Specialist. An MES is a trainer that can modify a workout while working with the personal individual limits.
Energy work is NOT a replacement for medical, psychological or other necessary treatments. It is NOT intended to treat, cure or diagnose the presence or absence of disease. Please consult a medical professional. In case of emergency, please dial 911.
Any information shared before, during, after a session, or at any other time is NOT to be considered a diagnosis or prescription and the Client and reader accepts full responsibility for any decisions they make for themselves or on behalf of the person or animal assisted and releases any and all liability from Pam Olscamp.
Inquiries or to schedule a free consultation
Phone and video sessions also available worldwide.
The Blog
Thoughts, musings, and more.
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